Eurolyser introduces a new test parameter for Solo point-of-care instruments: GLDH
The parameter
Glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH) is a liver specific enzyme which is located in mitochondria of centrolobular hepatocytes. Due to this localization, GLDH dominantly increases in hypoxic states of the liver as well as in pronounced necrosis of hepatocytes.
Increased release of GLDH from hepatocytes can further be observed in i.e. inflammatory, neoplastic, or infectious liver pathology as well as in all diseases leading to liver cell degeneration.
Why measure GLDH?
GLDH is measured to evaluate the liver function. Increases in GLDH reflect leakage from damaged or necrotic hepatocytes. A low GLDH activity (< 10 U/L) is seen in healthy smaller animals and horses, while healthy cattle may have a higher activity (up to 60 U/L – units per litre). GLDH is important for distinguishing between acute viral hepatitis and acute toxic liver necrosis or acute hypoxic liver disease.
Applications in diagnostics
Considering the symptoms and disease patterns discussed above, the Eurolyser GLDH assay is anticipated to be of particular interest for veterinary physicians who regularly work with potentially diseased animals.
Method/measurement range
Glutamate dehydrogenase catalyzes the reduction of oxo-lutarate
and at the same time the oxidation of NADH to NAD.
Serum / plasma
6 – 120 U/L (Lot dependent)
More information
For more information click here to go to the GLDH test site.