Cortisol test
Metabolic monitoring
About the parameter
Cortisol is a glucocorticoid hormone that affects the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Chronic, excessive glucocorticoid release leads to hyperadrenocorticism (HAC).
Pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism (PDH), more commonly known as Cushing‘s disease, is caused by a pituitary tumour (mostly adenomas) in the brain. The tumour triggers excessive levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which stimulates the adrenal glands near the kidneys to produce cortisol. A small percentage of dogs with HAC have a tumour of one of the adrenal glands. This form of HAC is called adrenal-dependent HAC and results from a direct increase in cortisol production by the adrenal gland tumour.
The overproduction of cortisol causes symptoms such as hair loss, pot-bellied appearance, increased appetite, and polydipsia and polyuria. Addison’s disease (hypoadrenocorticism, or underproduction of cortisol) occurs less commonly than the Cushing’s disease in dogs.
This is a homogenous, immunoturbidimetric test.
Sample material
A sample of 40 µl li-hep plasma or serum is needed.
Test duration
The test duration is under 8 minutes.
Measurement range
0.8 – 24.0 µg/dl
Package insert
More details can be found in the package insert.
Please note: All package inserts provided on this website are intended for information purposes only! Always process all tests, controls and calibrators strictly according to the package insert provided with the kit.
Appropriate instruments
Test evaluation
Find the evaluation study for the Eurolyser Cortisol assay here: Eurolyser Cortisol test evaluation
Additional information
Article numbers
VT 0290 Cortisol test kit (containing 16 tests)
VT 0291 Cortisol test kit (containing 6 tests)
VT 2900 Cortisol Progesterone control kit (decision level)