equine Progesterone test
Reproduction diagnostics
About the parameter
During early pregnancy, progesterone is produced in the equine ovary by the corpus luteum (CL). Its concentration remains elevated and peaks between 60 and 120 days of gestation.
Circulating progesterone is used diagnostically to evaluate luteal function during early pregnancy. When the circulation progesterone concentration reaches a distinct level, this can be considered adequate to maintain early stage pregnancy.
There are a number of reasons for monitoring during pregnancy, such as uterine infections, history of pregnancy loss and luteal insufficiency.
This is a homogenous, immunoturbidimetric test.
Sample material
A sample of 40 µl li-hep plasma or serum is needed.
Test duration
The test duration is under 8 minutes.
Measurement range
1.4 – 13.0 ng/ml
(4.5 – 41.3 nmol/l)
Package insert
More details can be found in the package insert.
Please note: All package inserts provided on this website are intended for information purposes only! Always process all tests, controls and calibrators strictly according to the package insert provided with the kit.
Appropriate instruments
Test evaluation
Find the evaluation study for the Eurolyser eProg assay here: Eurolyser eProg test evaluation
Additional information
Article numbers
VT 0250 equine Progesterone test kit (containing 6 tests)
VT 2500 equine Progesterone control kit (decision level)
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