SAA test
Serum amyloid A (SAA equine)
About the parameter
Serum amyloid A (SAA) is an early and sensitive blood biomarker for tissue injury and inflammation and has been indicated in many inflammatory diseases. The level of SAA circulating in the blood is known to increase dramatically in response to tissue damage or inflammation, classifying it as an acute phase protein. Circulating SAA concentrations may increase up to 1000-fold following inflammation, infection, tissue injury and cell necrosis and decline rapidly following recovery.
It has also been observed in several veterinary species including the horse that SAA is a very useful inflammatory marker that may be used for detection of clinical and possibly subclinical disease, monitoring of disease activity and response to therapy, prognostication, and detection of spread of infections in herds (Nielsen et al., 2004).
The kinetic profile of the SAA response makes SAA an excellent indicator of inflammation. Hepatic SAA synthesis begins shortly after an inflammatory insult. As a result plasma concentrations start to increase within few hours, and they peak 36-48 h after injury, as demonstrated previously in horses after experimental induction of inflammatory or infectious disease (Hulte´n et al., 2002).
Sample material
Use li-hep plasma or serum.
In several cases milk and synovial fluids can be used for SAA detection as well.
Method / Measurement range
Latex agglutination test based on optical measurement of the change in turbidity caused by the agglutination of the latex particles sensitised with SAA antibodies.
Horse: 10 – 500 µg/ml (10 – 500 mg/l) (Lot dependent)
Cat: 10 – 150 µg/ml (10 – 150 mg/l) (Lot dependent)
Test duration
This test takes approx. 6.5 minutes.
Package insert
More details can be found in the package insert.
Please note: All package inserts provided on this website are intended for information purposes only! Always process all tests, controls and calibrators strictly according to the package insert provided with the kit.
Appropriate instruments
Assay evaluation
Find the evaluation study for the Eurolyser SAA VET assay here: Evaluation Eurolyser SAA VET
A comparison study between the Eurolyser SAA assay and a comparable SAA test from Eiken can be downloaded here: Comparison study Eurolyser SAA with Eiken SAA
Additional information
Article numbers
VT 0170 SAA (Serum Amyloid A) test kit (containing 6 tests)
VT 0171 SAA (Serum Amyloid A) test kit (containing 16 tests)
VT 1700 SAA (Serum Amyloid A) control kit (decision level)